来源:互联网 2016-08-09 10:23:40
One morning a little girl comes into Three Little Pigs Restaurant. A waitress says to her: "Sit Down, please!" "Thank you. I wish to talk with your manager. May I see your manager? "
一天早上, 一个小女孩进了三只小猪饭馆。一位服务员说请坐。小女孩说谢谢,我想见你们经理,我能见你么经理么?
"Yes, of course. Please wait."The waitress goes into manager's office. After one minute, Mummy Pig comes out. She says to the little girl: "You want to see me, right?" "Yes" "What can I do for you?" "DO you need a girl to work for you in this restaurant." "Yes, I do." "Can I work for you?" "You? You are so young! How can you work here?" "I am old enough to work." "How old are you?" "Eighteen." "Eighteen? May I have a look at your ID card?" "Sorry, I don't have an ID card." "If you are eighteen, you should have and ID card. If you don't, you are not eighteen. You look 11 or 12, You are too young to work. You should go to school. "
The little girl starts to cry, "Why do you cry?" "Oh, please, please give me a job! I come from the countryside. I have to go out to work, because my father and mother are very poor. They have no money to pay for my study at school. My teachers stop teaching, because the school has no money to pay them. So, many of my classmates go out to work. I want to work too. Please give me a job. " "Don't cry little girl, I will find a way to help you, but I cannot give you a job. If I give you a job,那可是违法的呀。" "But many of my classmates are working in restaurants in this city. Why can't I work? " "You must understand,雇佣童工是违法的,这样吧,you can eat and live in my restaurant, I will call my sons. They will tell how to help you." "Thank you"
Mommy Pig goes into her office and calls her first son, "Hi, my dear son. I hear many children from the countryside are working in restaurant in this city. That is 违法的呀,You know. But the children's fathers and mothers are very poor. The children cannot go to school. Can you tell me how to help the children? " "What? Call Mr. Black Cat?" "Yes, good idea, Thank you, bye."
So Mummy Pig calls Mr. Black Cat. Mr Black Cat is working in his office. When he hears the telephone叮铃铃地响,他赶紧拿起telephone. "Hello? Oh,hi, Mummy Pig! What can I do for you? What? Many children are working in restaurants? That is违法的呀。 Ok I will call many police officer to go to every restaurant. Thank you for calling. Bye"
So, Mr. Black Cat and many police officers go to every restaurant to检查是否有童工。They find 55 children working in restaurants. 这件事引起来Education TV的注意,Education TV的主持人邀请Mummy Pig and Mr. Black Cat作 “Help and Love”节目的特邀嘉宾。请他们谈一谈how to help these children to go back to school, Mummy Pig says:" I think the best way to help these poor children is to 建几所Hope Schools, " My three sons will be very happy to give money to the countryside to建一所Hope School, They can call the school Three Little Pig Hope School. Three Little Pig Hope School can pay teachers to teach these children and it can also buy books, school bags and clothes for the children. Mr. Black Cat says:" I think the best way for Education TV to help these poor children, 就是让电视台向全社会呼吁,让companies, restaurants, schools, colleges and universities共同关心和支持Hope Schools"
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