来源: 2016-10-19 19:07:02
I Like……
1、 在愉快的游戏中学会"I Like……"的句型,能理解其意义,并掌握正确发音。
2、 通过游戏幼儿熟练掌握水果(a le banana peach pear grape orange)的正确发音,并能正确运用它们。
3、 幼儿在课堂上能大声的跟读与对话,乐于参与活动。
a le orange pear banana grape peach等图片、头饰。
1、师生互相问好T: Hello, boys and girls.
C: Hello, Mi zhu.
T: Good morning!
C: Good morning!
T: How are you?
C: I'm fine , thank you!
2、Warm upT: 今天爸爸妈妈都来看我们上课了,你们开心吗?(开心)那你们兴队爸爸妈妈说什么呀?引导幼儿对爸爸妈妈说:"I Love you!"St T: Sand up, please! Are you ready?
C: C: Yes.
T: T: One two start.
" "Daddy Daddy, Daddy Daddy, I love you!
Mummy Mummy, Mummy Mummy, I love you! (fly ki )"Ok,very good! Sit down!
Do you remember the &; lt lt; One two three four five &;gt gt;?(Yes)Let's do this warm up!
stand up, please!
Are you ready?
C: C: Yes.
T: T: One two start.
"One is worm, go go go.
Two is ra it, jump jump jump.
Three is cat, 喵喵喵。
Four is crap, move move move.
Five is bird, fly fly fly."Ok,very good!
Sit down,please!
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