来源: 2018-04-26 09:41:49
2.Student book:
a.Note the short form of “mittens”:mitts.Most English speakers say mitts.
b.Note the question and answer “why?Because __” in this lesson,When does Danny say it?
c.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.
a.Give commands to practice the new vocabulary and other vocabulary:Put on your scarf./Take off your jacket./Put on your mitts,/Take off your hat.
b.Play “Dress up”to practice pronouns,colours and clothing including “mitts”and “scarf”。
六、Students’ activity:
1.Sing an English song.
2.Daily dialogue.
3. Play “Simon Says”。
4.Play “I say, I do.”
5.Imitate the dialogue of the lesson.
6.Practice the dialogue with a whole class.
Lesson 19 Danny’s winter clothes
I’m going to put on my jacket.
I’m doing……/
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