


来自网络 2009-08-13 15:05:07



  The first little pig成功地完成了his 毕业paper. His teachers think his paper is excellent. 伦敦University授予他Education博士学位. The first little pig is very happy. Three years of hard work总算有了圆满的结果. In ten days, he will go back to China. He must do a lot of 回国的准备工作. First, he buys a plane ticket from伦敦to 北京. Second,he buys a lot of books on education and a lot of story books. 其中有stories from the UK, the US, Japan, 法国, 德国,西班牙, 俄罗斯, 丹麦, 加拿大, 澳大利亚, 印度还有非洲的许多国家. The first little pig wants to tell Chinese children a lot of stories. He wants Chinese children to understand how to be good children, how to过快乐健康的life and how to work hard. He is sure stories can help children understand a lot of做人和生活的道理.

  Ten days 很快过去了. The first little pig 向his teachers and friends说goodbye in 伦敦University. But his teachers and friends want to go to伦敦机场去送他. 在机场, the first little pig 跟his teachers and friends一一握手, 拥抱, 他真舍不得离开his teachers and friends. They are very good to him. They give him a lot of help. 眼泪止不住come out from his eyes. 他对his teachers说, “你们放心吧. I will 永远记住your 辛勤培养和谆谆教导. I will not辜负your 殷切期望. I will work hard for China’s education. I will work hard for Chinese children. I will email you. Goodbye!”His teachers and friends说, “Goodbye! Goodbye!”

  On the plane, the first little pig心里还是很难过. 坐在他旁边的是一位young man from Japan. 他发现the first little pig很伤心,眼泪还时不时地come out from his eyes. 于是他就很关心地问the first little pig, “您遇到什么困难了吗? Can I help you?” The first little pig说, “No, thank you.”接着他就把刚才his teachers and friends go to 伦敦机场送他,他们如何依依不舍, 互相道别的经过告诉了the young man. The young man说, “Oh, 原来是这样. I understand you now. But 虽然说分开了, do you know Chinese people 经常说 ‘海内存知己,天涯若比邻’?意思就是If you have close friends in the UK, the US, Japan或者其他很远的地方, you will think they are very close to you, 就像隔壁邻居一样. 更何况now you can email your teachers and friends in the UK on your computer in China. Your email在几秒钟之内就可以到达your teacher’s computer.” The first little pig说, “Yes. 听了您的这番话,我现在感觉好多了. Thank you.” The young man说, “I can tell you a story from Japan to make you happy. OK?” The first little pig说, “OK. Thank you. I love stories.”The young man说, “This story has no name. It is very short. 很久以前, in Japan, there are four young man. They study how to坐禅. 坐禅就是sit down and close your eyes and don’t speak. One day, 他们说好要坐禅three days. 谁也不许speak. 于是, they sit down and close their eyes. The first day过去了, 他们谁也没有speak. But on the second day, a little cat come into their room. The first young man 忍不住就open his eyes and open his mouth, ‘Go away, little cat!’ The second young man马上open his eyes and 对the first young man说, ‘You must not open your mouth, you know!’ The third young man is very angry. 他对the first young man and the second young man说, ‘You two are very silly!How can you open your mouths?’ The fourth young man 坚持着没有open his eyes, but 他忍不住说了两句话, ‘You three都已经open your mouths. 只有我还没有open my mouth.’” 听到这儿, the first little pig and the young man都忍不住哈哈大笑起来. The first little pig说, “This story is very short, but it is very interesting.” The young man说, “I hear Chinese stories are very interesting. Can you tell me a Chinese story?” The first little pig说, “Yes, I can.” 于是, 他就一口气tell the young man three stories. The first story is Rooster’s Egg. The second story is Magic Pencil. The third story is There Is No Thief. 等他讲完the three stories, 吃饭的时间到了. A beautiful girl走过来, “What do you want to eat? Noodles or rice?” The first little pig说, “Noodles, please.” The young man说, “Rice,please.” The girl说, “Meat or vegetables?” The first little pig说, “Vegetables, please.” The young man说,“Meat and vegetables, please.” The girl说, “What do you want to drink? Apple juice, orange juice or tomato juice?” The first little pig说, “Tomato juice, please.” The young man说, “Apple juice, please.” 吃完了饭, 他们俩就觉得有点困, 于是, they close their eyes and go to sleep. 等他们醒来时, the plane 已经come to北京.

  出了北京机场, the young man一招手call a taxi. 他要go to清华University by taxi. The first little pig向the young man说了声 “Goodbye” and go to Three Little Pigs Restaurant by bus. 一个小时之后, the first little pig 就看到了his mummy. Mummy pig is very happy to see him. 她说, “My dear son, Mummy可想你了. 瞧, 三年没见, you are a big boy now.Your younger brothers什么时候come back?” The first little pig说, “My younger brothers 下个月就come back. They are very famous now. We three little pigs没有一个给您丢脸的.” Mummy Pig说, “I watch CCTV. I know you are very famous now. 你们为China争了光, Mummy真为你们感到骄傲. Please sit down, my dear son. Let’s eat some rice noodles. Waitress, waitress, please give us some rice noodles.” The waitress说了声“Yes”就马上到厨房端菜去了.








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