孩子最喜欢的10个幼儿园英语小游戏 (2)
1. 教师逐一出示纸偶与幼儿打招呼。
2. 出示月亮图片,The moon is up,up,up ,What are they doing?教师将纸偶逐一放在床上练习句式Dady is going to sleep bed。
3. 出示太阳图片The sun is up ,up,up ,What are they doing?教师将纸偶逐一拿起插在床边的纸制栏杆上练习Dady is getting up。通过操作摆弄引起学习兴趣。
游戏八:Baby Bye
1. 引导幼儿进一步理解本单元中心内容,如There he goes, on his toes。
2. 在活动中培养幼儿对儿歌的旋律的敏感性,理解第二段儿歌,并尝试跟唱儿歌。
1. 教师请助教老师手拿苍蝇拍闭上眼睛,教师头戴苍蝇头饰来扮演小苍蝇边唱歌边原地转圈做飞的动作,唱到There hegoes, on his toes时,教师要蹲下来用手指在地上爬,唱到right up to your nose, nose,nose时正好爬到配班教师的鼻尖上。此时配班老师就要睁开眼睛,起身用苍蝇拍追打教师扮演的小苍蝇。Look, I am a fly. Ilike flying. Baby bye …Nose, nose, nose. Oh! Oh!
2.教师分组邀请幼儿来扮演小苍蝇,重复游戏。如班内幼儿不多,可请全班幼儿一起参与。当陪伴教师拿着苍蝇拍开始追打苍蝇们时,教师提示幼儿安静地跑回座位。Weare flies. Let is Let"s go up to the nose.Oh! Come back !Hurryup!Come back to our seat! Then we will be safe. Let"s fly isfiy!
3. 游戏方法同上,教师唱第二段,歌曲结束时带领幼儿用手指爬到配班老师的脚上挠一挠。This time, how aboutwe stop on the toes? Let is Let"s have a try。
游戏九:Hand Shoulders ,knees toes
1、Kids enjoy to join the english the activity
2.Kids can know the meaning of the song and sing withteacher。
a. Listen to the teacher carefully and touch hammer theflashcards.with a hammer。
b. T : "Touch your Head,shoulders…S : Use their fingers pointto their head / shoulders/ knees/ toes。
sing the song together。
c. Review: Show the flashcards and review: Head,shoulders,knees?
游戏十:Clap Your Hands
游戏准备:会说hand clap shake roll rub等动词
Clap Your Hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as youcan。拍手,慢慢拍手
Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as youcan。拍手,快快拍手
(2)Shake,shake ,shake your hands as slowly /quickly asyou can摇手,慢慢摇手,摇手,快快摇手
(3)Roll ,roll ,roll your hands asslowly/quickly as you can转手,慢慢/快转手,转手,快快转手
(4)Rub,rub,rub your handsas slowly/quickly as you can搓手(5)Wiggle your fingers ……挥舞手指(6)Poundyour fists……拍拳头都要有快慢之分,分清slowly和quickly的意思。